M. LESTONE a demesne manor of the king is now assessed (se
defendit pro) at 47 hides. T.R.E. there were but 30 hides (there). Of
these 47 hides
43 are in the king's hands. There is land for 52 ploughs. On the demesne
6, and the villeins have 46. There are 4 score and 2 villeins and 30
bordars and 2 serfs and 2 mills worth (de) 30 shillings, meadow (sufficient)
40 plough teams and woodland (to feed) 100 swine. The toll from the
market yields 22 pounds of weighed money (ad pensum) and half a day's (provision
for the) king's 'ferm' in grain and honey and other things pertaining
to the 'ferm.' For the queen's use it pays 2 ounces of gold; and for
1 packhorse and for customary payment for the dogs 70 shillings; and
100 shillings
money (ad pensum) and 40 shillings of blanch (albo) silver which (hoc)
Ivo Talliebosc imposed in addition (misit de decremento); and 1 ounce
for the use of the sheriff yearly.
Of the land of this manor Wenesi the
chamberlain held 10 hides of King Edward which Ralf Talliebosc added
to (apposuit in) Lestone, whereto
they did not belong T.R.E., and again the same Ralf added (apposuit)
to this manor
other 7 hides which were not in it T.R.E. These 7 hides Starcher, a
thegn of King Edward, held.
The church of this manor Bishop Remigius holds,
with 4 hides are reckoned in the 47 hides of the manor. There is land
for 3 ploughs (in them).
On the demesne is 1, and the villeins have 1, and there could be
another. There are
6 villeins and 6 bordars and meadow (sufficient) for 3 plough teams.
This land with the church, is and was worth 4 pounds. Bishop Wlwi
held it T.R.E.
see glossary for expanation of the terms used